Business Backflow Preventer
Backflow Preventer Installation
Your backflow prevention device is critical for protecting the water serving your business as well as the community water supply in general. Consisting of a pressure reducer and a check-valve assembly, a backflow preventer protects the intersections where freshwater piping connects to non-potable water systems, keeping contaminated water out of your freshwater pipes in the event a flood or the sudden loss of water pressure. At Jeff the Plumber, we install new backflow preventers, can repair an existing assembly and provide testing services to assure yours is compliant.
We are ready to be YOUR plumber today. Give us a call 877-940-2600 or message us. We have been in the Akron area since 1988.
Our services include:
- Identifying the type of device and checking water flow direction
- Clean all bushings and parts
- Installation of new check valve
- Annual testing service
Backflow preventers are required by law in Ohio and must be inspected by a certified technician annually. Our experts can provide you with details on how these devices protect your business and what is required in your location.
Schedule an appointment today!
Call Today
Akron/Canton: 330-940-2600
Cleveland: 440-248-1421
Toll Free: 877-940-2600
We service Akron, Canton, Cleveland and surrounding areas.